This week, we take a look at the Canopsis Pro Edition presales.

Yes, switching from multiple monitoring tools to an hypervision solution, or replacing an existing hypervision solution, can’t be improvised! The Canop’Team has therefore created a 4-step process to support all types of project, from development to implementation.

Want to find out more? Follow the guide 👇

1. Getting to know the project

The first step is to gain a clear understanding of the prospect’s needs through discussions with the project contact. We need to determine if the solution Canopsis Pro Edition is the right tool to meet the prospect’s needs. Next, it is important to identify the points that are essential for the latter.

The aim is to prepare for phase 2 – the personalized demo – for which an appointment is made at the end of this meeting.

A summary email is sent, alongside a budget envelope if necessary with the first known elements.

2. Personalized demonstration

It is a presentation of Canopsis Pro Edition by Mikaël, the solution’s Product Owner. This stage allows us to integrate the future client’s specifics into the project, so as to guide the discussion.

The project contact may invite other Hypervision stakeholders within his / her organization. The idea is to discover Canopsis different features, then answer technical and functional questions. This presentation generally lasts 1 to 2 hours.

At the end of the demonstration, if we are still in phase with the project, a POC proposal is issued. The budget may be refined as discussions progress.

3. Canopsis Pro Edition POC

We need to define a technical perimeter to show that Canopsis Pro Edition fits the bill. The future customer must inform us of the scope of his project, but we are also able to support him in this phase.

A proposal for a POC service is then sent to the prospect. It allows you to:

Once the proposal has been accepted, we make the entire solution available in the form of a loan contract for a fixed term. In short, it’s a matter of installing and configuring the solution with the customer (which allows us to show how it’s done), while answering their questions.

3 bis. Retex (optional)

It’s also possible to talk directly to one of our Canopsis Pro Edition clients who have a similar background and problems.

4. Purchase and installation

The next logical step is to send the future client a definitive quote, with the cost of the POC subtracted. The support contract associated with the license starts as soon as the order form is sent and our invoice is issued.

To conclude on the Canopsis Pro Edition sales process

By following the various stages of our sales process, the client’s teams and those of Canopsis ensure that the solution corresponds in every respect to the needs expressed (and sometimes even more).

Want to find out more about Canopsis Pro Edition? Read the interview with François Lecerf, Head of La Poste Group’s Monitoring Competence Centre.