Fonctionnalité Canopsis Roadmap ergonomie des patterns pattern ergonomics

Improve the supervision pilot autonomy with pattern ergonomics!

Active feature 100%

With these new pattern ergonomics, the aim is to make entry easier by making suggestions to the user in order to reduce the risk of errors.

In its entirety, Canopsis is configured using these models:

  • Scenarios
  • Enrichments
  • Ticket declarations
  • Inactivity rules…

Drivers can also configure “custom” templates for themselves, to filter alarms for example.

With this new feature, Canopsis presents you with all possible combinations when entering data.

For more information on patterns ergonomics and other Canopsis features, visit our documentation (in French, please use your browser translator to read in your own language). Any unanswered questions? Contact our technical team via the contact form.


  • Supervision pilots
  • Administrators
  • Application managers

Added value

  • Relevance
  • Operational efficiency
  • User experience