In this month of October, which smells of autumn and nature, we are pleased to announce Canopsis first CSR partner: A home for bees 🐝

Zoom on A home for bees: Canopsis first CSR partner

With a network of a hundred-ish beekeepers, A home for bees is committed to artisanal, local beekeeping that respects bees.

But this organization has also evolved into a national movement to support beekeepers by sponsoring hives.

Sponsoring bees means taking an active part in safeguarding these little pollinators and biodiversity, while helping French beekeepers.

To date, over 10,000 beehives have been installed thanks to this wonderful project. That’s 500 million sponsored bees!

CSR partnership with Canopsis

For each new client of Canopsis, we’ll sponsor the installation of a ± 40,000-bee hive in a partner apiary and the planting of 100 m2 of melliferous fallow land in the surrounding area.

Nestled in the center of a 2-hectare mirabelle orchard in the heart of the Côtes de Toul region (54), our first hive is located at Cyril Rique’s Mielapi apiary. We can’t wait to taste his honey 🍯