Roadmap Canopsis Fonctionnalité architecture avancée advanced architecture resilience high availability

With our Resilience / High availability feature, make the most of a highly performant Canopsis!


With the Resilience / High availability feature, we have increased Canopsis’ load handling capacity tenfold by making all elements multi-instantiable.

The redundancies thus created also ensure maximum accessibility of our Open Source hypervisor solution thanks to service continuity mechanisms (fail over…).

💡 Update 2024: Last component taken into account without redundancy.

For more information on Resilience / High availability and other Canopsis features, please visit our documentation (in French, please use your browser translator to read in another language). You can also contact our technical team via the website form.


  • Supervision pilots
  • Administrators
  • Application managers

Added value

  • Overall performance
  • User experience